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U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Aviation Administration
Flight Information Entry
Time Started
Specialist Initials
1. Type
3. Aircraft Type
4. True Airspeed
5. Departure Point
6. Departure Time
Proposed (Z)
Actual (Z)
7. Cruising Altitude
9. Destination Point
10. Est. Time Enroute
11. Remarks
ADS-B Position Source TSO
Mask Angle
12. Fuel on Board
13. Alternate Routes
14. Pilot's Name, Address & Telephone Number & Aircraft Home Base
17. Destination Contact/Telephone (optional)
15. Number Aboard
16. Color of Aircraft
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Deviation Request
Operators using aircraft unequipped with ADS-B should only use ADAPT
to submit requests for rare, non-routine, non-scheduled events.

NOTICE: You are currently using a TEST system. Deviation Requests filed through this system are not considered valid and will not be honored by the FAA.

Please Click Here to be redirected to the Official SAPT Website Flight Plan Form.

Pilot-in-Command (PIC):
PIC Telephone Number:
PIC Email Address:
Aircraft Identification:
Reason for Request:
Flight Classification:
ADS-B Equipment Status:
Operational Transponder with Altitude Encoding:
(Note: Any request made without a working transponder will be DENIED)
Comments (required when "Reason for Request" is 'Other'):
 I hereby certify that all information entered on this form is true and accurate.
Select a saved flight plan from your computer to load:
Paste an ICAO flight plan form (in plain text format):