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Getting Started with ADS-B SAPT

A quick guide to using the ADS-B prediction service

Welcome to the graphical web interface for the Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Service Availability Prediction Tool (SAPT).

This website offers an interactive flight planning form that provides predictions of ADS-B sufficiency for specific flight times and equipment configurations. We tried to make this form simple and intuitive to use; you may find that you can jump right in and start performing predictions without having to read too much documentation.

It also supports an XML-based web service for automated checking of ADS-B sufficiency by flight planning software. To read about the XML service please see our ADS-B XML help page.

A quick legal note: this system is for flight informational purposes only. Submissions to this system do not generate formal flight plans.

We encourage users to download the User Guide [pdf] (7.3MB) to become familiar with the SAPT site and features.

If you need further assistance, contact sapthelp@faa.gov.

User Feedback

Users are encouraged to submit feedback about the operation of the system, using the feedback form.

Items of particular interest are:

  • Usability
  • Latency
  • Issues
  • Errors
  • Suggestions

Paperwork Reduction Act Burden Statement

Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to be approximately 3 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, completing and reviewing the collection of information.